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You Can Write More Words
Welcome to You Can Write More Words
Welcome and Introductions - who is Emily, who is this course for, and what are your goals? (6:35)
Section 1 - preparing your mind
Introduction (0:38)
Distractions (5:39)
Being purposeful with writing (3:13)
Carving out time from your day (4:17)
Batching (9:12)
Summary of Section 1 (0:50)
Section 2 - mind space
Introduction - why does this matter? (0:39)
The three types of mind space (2:05)
Strategy (1:43)
Creativity (2:19)
Admin (1:44)
My workday (6:54)
Summary of Section 2 (0:45)
Section 3 - streamlining your workspace
Introduction - why does this matter? (0:27)
Creating your workspace (3:37)
Health and safety (3:23)
Music and silence (6:01)
Timers (7:07)
Tracking and goals (4:29)
Incentivisation (4:25)
Summary of Section 3 (0:47)
Section 4 - Preparing before writing
Introduction - why this is important (0:34)
Character sheets (5:30)
Setting up autocorrect (8:15)
Plotting (7:16)
Deep plotting (11:29)
Summary of Section 4 (1:09)
Section 5 - Digging into the writing
Introduction - you made it! (0:59)
Touch typing (2:24)
Writing longhand (2:43)
Dictation (3:08)
Forward not backwards (4:55)
Writing then editing (2:14)
Writing out of order (3:31)
Writing multiple books at once (3:05)
Writing in short bursts (3:06)
Sprints with author friends (3:28)
tk (8:35)
Giving permission (2:55)
Summary of Section 5 (0:48)
Q&A: Most commonly asked questions
Q&A (4:55)
Next Steps - how do you keep students engaged after they complete your course?
Course Feedback (1:24)
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Being purposeful with writing
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