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Writing a Historical Romance
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What makes a romance a romance?
Back to basics
Deciding on your setting
Why is setting important? Let's find out.
Plotting vs pantsing
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
The pain of writing
When writing is hard
Tone of voice
Developing your tone of voice
Creating your couple
You need at least two people for a romance...
Writing real historical people
Should you include a real people in your historical romances?
Creating secondary characters
Where should you start with secondary characters?
Creating conflict in your historical romance
Meet cutes and tropes
Let's make this cute!
Sex and lovemaking
Writing sweet or steamy romance
Setting and weather
People and appearance
Food and travel
Meaningful endings
How should you end your historical romance?
Procrastination and time management
What to do when you're getting distracted
Polishing your manuscript through the editing process
Standalones, series, and interconnected books
Creating a strategy for your book
Your publishing strategy
Querying or self-publishing?
Formatting and cover design
What your cover should be doing for you
Creating your author platform
How do you create an author platform?
Common mistakes in historical romance
Avoid these mistakes in your historical romance!
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